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Study Abroad Manager (SAM) - Application Management

  • Application Management Feature

    Go Green, 100% Paper-Free

    SAM's Form Builder allows for each and every form to be entirely digitized, completely removing the need for paperwork

  • Application Management Feature

    SAM Plays By Your Rules

    Program and Form Builders allow for all processes and in-house workflows to be digitally recreated

  • Application Management Feature

    Every Data Type Available

    SAM's Form Builder provides a complete list of form field data types that can be added, managed, and configured effortlessly

  • Application Management Feature

    Quickly Copy, Easily Extend

    Select from hundreds of form templates provided immediately upon installation and deployment

  • Application Management Feature

    Create and Share Form Templates

    Create your own form templates to be shared with your organization or institution

  • Application Management Feature

    Extensible, Adaptable

    Add and manage additional categories for unique activities or specific processes such as seminars and scholarships