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Study Abroad Manager (SAM) - Program Management

  • Program Management Feature

    Manage Multiple Programs

    No limit to the number of programs, exchanges, and terms you can create and manage

  • Program Management Feature

    Create and Share Processes

    Create, copy, and share outlines and processes for programs, exchanges, and other activities with other administrators, faculty, and staff

  • Program Management Feature

    Track Courses and Equivalences

    Manage courses, course information, and foreign course equivalences, as well as the submission and approval process

  • Program Management Feature

    Form and Workflow Builders

    Digitally replicate your entire day-to-day with highly customizable program and workflow builders

  • Program Management Feature

    Manage Roles, Permissions

    Assign roles and permissions to others so that program administrators manage their own staff, staff help manage specific programs and activities, and more

  • Program Management Feature

    Extensible, Adaptable

    Add and manage additional categories for unique activities or specific processes such as seminars and scholarships

User Account and Role Management

  • Program Management Feature - Multiple Ways to Authenticate

    Multiple Ways to Authenticate

    SAM allows you to manage accounts directly, or use existing systems within your organization or institution

  • Program Management Feature - Distinct Roles and Permissions

    Distinct Roles and Permissions

    Account permissions within SAM are based on the type of account, making it easier to delegate day-to-day tasks

  • Program Management Feature - Exchange Transfers

    Exchange Transfers

    Transfer sign-ups directly into SAM by approving, or directly creating, new accounts for exchange participants