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Study Abroad Manager (SAM) - Features

Program Management

  • Program Management Feature

    Manage Multiple Programs

    No limit to the number of programs, exchanges, and terms you can create and manage

  • Program Management Feature

    Create and Share Processes

    Create, copy, and share outlines and processes for programs, exchanges, and other activities with other administrators, faculty, and staff

  • Program Management Feature

    Track Courses and Equivalences

    Manage courses, course information, and foreign course equivalences, as well as the submission and approval process

Read more: Program Management

Help & Guides

A rich resource of Video and Written tutorials are available at Gantry-Framework.org.

A rich resource of Video and Written tutorials are available.

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About Study Abroad Manager (SAM)

SAM is a secure, web-based platform that streamlines processes for international education departments, international exchanges, faculty led study abroad programs, and risk management agencies.

SAM provides genuine flexibility in a secure, highly-usable fashion, and will help you build and manage content, forms, applications, and processes specifically for each program. SAM does more than simplify your day-to-day, it adapts to your information and processes. SAM not only streamlines your services, it allows you to digitally recreate each and every form, process, and account.

We created SAM because you shouldn't have to adapt to software - software should adapt to you. SAM does just that, and we'd love to show you how.
